Publication A new article from the Lab. is available in Waste and Biomass Valorization A paper co-authored with Prof. Furuhashi of the University of Tokyo has been published in Waste and Biomass Valorization... 2024.04.17 Publication
未分類 A new article from the Lab. is available in Waste Management Ogawa kun’s (M2) work has been released in Waste Management. See publication page. Congratulations, Ogawa kun!!! 2023.03.14 未分類
Publication A new article from the Lab. is available in Journal of Environmental Management Uemura kun, a graduate of our laboratory, had his research published in Journal of Environmental Management. Congratulat... 2023.03.08 Publication
Publication A new article from the Lab. is available in BioEnergy Reseach Dalkhsuren's paper has been published in BioEnergy Reseach. See the Publications page. Conglaturations, Davka san!! 2022.10.24 Publication
未分類 A new article from the Lab. is available in PLoS ONE Aliyu Mohammed’s paper has been published in PLoS ONE. This is an open access article. See the Publications page. 2022.07.19 未分類
Publication A new article from the Lab. is available in Science of the Total Environment Mahmudul Islam Piash (D3)’s paper has been published in Science of the Total Environment. This is an open access article... 2022.02.04 Publication
Publication A new article from the Lab. is available in Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Aliyu Mohammed (D3)’s paper has been published in Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. This is an open access article. Se... 2021.11.01 Publication
Publication A new article from the Lab. is available in Geoderma Md. Mahmudul Islam (D2)'s paper has been published in Geoderma. This is an open access article. See the Publications pag... 2021.03.31 Publication
未分類 A new article from the Lab. is available in PLOS ONE Our researcher Takanori Itoh's paper has been published in PLOS ONE. This is an open access article. See the Publication... 2020.06.01 未分類